色泽方面包括红色,桔色,奶黄色,花岗岩色,褐色,及淡紫色等等.广泛的色泽是由于原料经火窑高温烧制后自然形成的. 成品色泽永不褪色,坚实耐用还具有极佳的隔音,防火,环保节能等功能. |
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技术知识资料 以下的技术知识参考资料可以从所提供的网站下载到您的个人电脑作为参考, 或联络有关网站. BRICK INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION BIA Technical For further information on detailing, design and construction please use the following link to the Clay Brick & Paver Institute website where you can download free publications (techniques sheets and complete manuals) on these technical matters. 1. Clay Paving Design and Construction 2. The Full Brick Manual 3. Design of Clay Masonry for Wind & Earthquake 4. Fire Resistance Levels for Clay Brick Walls 5. Detailing of Clay Masonry Walls 6. Construction Guidelines for Clay Masonry BRITISH STANDARDS 5. 92/14985 DC Methods of test for masonry units. Part 5. Determination of soluble salt 7. 99/109559 DC Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of freeze/thaw 9. 0/103725 DC Specification for masonry units. Part 1. Clay masonry units 11. 00/103733 DC Specification for ancillary components for masonry. Part 2. Lintels 13. 00/103734 DC Specification for ancillary components for masonry. Part 3. Bed joint 15. 98/108339 DC Free-standing industrial chimneys. Part 4. Brick liners. Design and execution (prEN 13084-4) 16. 98/108338 DC Free-standing industrial chimneys. Part 5. Materials for brick liners. Product specifications (prEN 13084-5) 17. 98/108338 DC Free-standing industrial chimneys. Part 5. Materials for brick liners. Product specifications (prEN 13084-5) 18. BS 12 Specification for Portland Cement 19. DD 34:1974 Clay bricks with modular dimensions 20. BS 476-23:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure 21. BS 476-22:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction 22. BS 476-21:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction 23. BS 476-4:1970 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Non-combustibility test for materials 24. BS 476-20:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles) 25. BS 493:1970 Specification for airbricks and gratings for wall ventilation 26. BS 648:1964 Schedule of weights of building materials 27. BS 743:1970 Specification for materials for damp-proof courses 28. BS EN 772-19:2000 Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of moisture expansion of large horizontally perforated clay masonry units 29. BS EN 772-16:2000 Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of dimensions 30. BS EN 772-7:1998 Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of water absorption of clay masonry damp proof course units by boiling in water 31. BS EN 772-1:2000 Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of compressive strength 32. BS 890:1995 Specification for building limes 33. BS EN 1052-4:2000 Methods of test for masonry. Determination of shear strength including damp proof course 34. BS EN 1052-2:1999 Methods of test for masonry. Determination of flexural strength 35. BS EN 1052-1:1999 Methods of test for masonry. Determination of compressive strength 36. BS 1191-2:1973 Specification for gypsum building plasters. Premixed lightweight plasters 37. BS 1191-1:1973 Specification for gypsum building plasters. Excluding premixed lightweight plasters 38. BS EN 1365-1:1999 Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements. Walls 39. DD ENV 1996-1-1:1996 Design of masonry structures. General rules for buildings. General rules 41. DD ENV 1996-1-2:1997 Design of masonry structures. General rules for buildings. Structural fire 43. DD ENV 1996-2:2001 Design of masonry structures. Design, selection of materials and 45. BS 4027 Specification for Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement 46. BS 1199 and Specifications for building sands from natural sources 48. BS 4887 Specification for Mortar Admixtures 49. BS 5224 Specification for Masonry Cement 50. BS 3826:1969 Specification for silicone-based water repellents for masonry 51. BS 3921:1985 Specification for clay bricks 52. BS 4729:1971 Specification for shapes and dimensions of special bricks 53. BS 4729:1990 Specification for dimensions of bricks of special shapes and sizes 54. BS 5588-1:1990 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings. Code of practice for residential buildings 55. BS 5588-0:1996 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings. Guide to fire safety codes of practice for particular premises/applications 56. BS 5628:Part 1:1978 Code of practice for use of masonry. Structural use of unreinforced masonry 57. BS 5628:Part 2:1985 Code of practice for use of masonry. Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry 58. BS 5628-1:1992 Code of practice for use of masonry. Structural use of unreinforced masonry 59. BS 5642-1:1978 Sills and copings. Specification for window sills of precast concrete, cast stone, clayware, slate and natural stone 60. BS 5642-2:1983 Sills and copings. Specification for copings of precast concrete, cast stone, clayware, slate and natural stone 61. BS 5628-2:2000 Code of practice for use of masonry. Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry 62. BS 5628-3:2001 Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and components, design and workmanship 63. BS 6093:1993 65. BS 6100:Part 5: Glossary of building and civil engineering terms. Masonry. Terms 67. BS 6399-3:1988 Loading for buildings. Code of practice for imposed roof loads 68. BS 6399-1:1996 Loading for buildings. Code of practice for dead and imposed loads 69. BS 6399-2:1997 Loading for buildings. Code of practice for wind loads 70. PD 6472:1974 Guide to specifying the quality of building mortars 71. PD 6520:1988 Guide to fire test methods for building materials and elements of construction 72. BS 6576:1985 Code of practice for installation of chemical damp-proof courses 73. BS 6649:1985 Specification for clay and calcium silicate modular bricks 74. BS 6677-2:1986 Clay and calcium silicate pavers for flexible pavements. Code of practice for design of lightly trafficked pavements 75. BS 6677-1:1986 Clay and calcium silicate pavers for flexible pavements. Specification for pavers 76. BS 6677:Part 3:1986 Clay and calcium silicate pavers for flexible pavements. Method for construction of pavements 77. BS 7533-6:1999 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Code of practice for laying natural stone, precast concrete and clay kerb units 78. BS 7533-3:1997 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Code of practice for laying precast concrete paving blocks and clay pavers for flexible pavements 79. BS 7533-4:1998 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Code of practice for the construction of pavements of precast concrete flags or natural stone slabs 80. BS 7533-2:2001 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Guide for the structural design of lightly trafficked pavements constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks 81. BS 7533-1:2001 Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers. Guide for the structural design of heavy duty pavements constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks 82. BS 8103-2:1996 Structural design of low-rise buildings. Code of practice for masonry walls for housing 83. BS 8215:1991 Code of practice for design and installation of damp-proof courses in masonry construction 84. BS 8221-2:2000 Code of practice for cleaning and surface repair of buildings. Surface repair of natural stones, brick and terracotta 85. BS 8221-1:2000 Code of practice for cleaning and surface repair of buildings. Cleaning of natural stones, brick, terracotta and concrete 86. BS ISO 11600:1993 Building construction. Sealants. Classification and requirements |